Name Dorin Kripalani
Street / No. Gräsigter Weg 11
Postcode / Town 60388 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone 06109 – 50 31 71
Mobile 0179 – 5 12 43 95
Fax 06109 – 50 31 72
Qualifications Graduate interpreter (German/Spanish/French) and state-recognised translator (German/English/French);
sworn interpreter at the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main for the courts and authorities in the German state of Hesse for Spanish and French;
sworn translator at the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main for French and English
Working since 1998
Personal details Seven years in Brussels/Belgium, eight months in Chile teaching English, seven months at the Institute for Interpretation and Translation Studies at Stockholm University
VAT identification number DE 119964362
Supervisory authority Regional Court of Frankfurt
Languages German (mother tongue)
Spanish (1st working language)
French, English (2nd working languages)


Types of interpreting / translation
  • Simultaneous, consecutive and liaison interpreting in mother tongue and 1st working language
  • Translations into German from Spanish, French, English and Swedish; certified translations into German from French or English
  • Certified translations into these languages depending on the text type (personal certificates)


Specialist subjects Economics and development, development policy, technology, environment, agriculture, tourism, banking, organised crime, nutrition, religion