Name Herbert K. Eißmann
Street / No. Dorfanger 21
Postcode / Town 65191 Wiesbaden
Telephone 0611 – 50 84 98
Fax 0611 – 50 93 07
Qualifications Graduate interpreter
Graduate translator
Working since 1985
Personal details Degree in translating: Germersheim, August 1985; degree in interpreting: Germersheim, March 1987; semesters in England and France. Employed as a public servant, then in private enterprise. Self-employed since 1994
VAT identification number DE159188308
Supervisory authority Regional Court of Wiesbaden
Languages German (mother tongue)
English (1st working language)
French (2nd working language)
Types of interpreting / translation
  • Simultaneous interpreting
  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Liaison interpreting
  • Whispering / chuchotage
  • Translation
Specialist subjects Economics and finance, technology & science, politics and social affairs, telecommunications, IT, software, marketing, sales promotion, market research, publicity, PR, shareholders’ meetings, supervisory board meetings, management board meetings, automotive industry, European works council, occupational health and safety, contracts of all types and negotiations before notaries, property/real estate