Name Christelle Duris
Street / No. Richard-Wagner-Str, 12
Postcode / Town 65193 Wiesbaden
Telephone 0611 – 2676478
Mobile 0177 – 3221420
Qualification Graduate translator (2004); graduate interpreter (2008).
Sworn interpreter for French at the Regional Court Wiesbaden; Member of BDÜ and VKD associations.
Working since 2008; four years employed in public service; freelancing
Personal details Born in France; resident in Germany since 2001. Maîtrise LEA (international business) in France; studied translating and interpreting in Germany. Longer periods spent in Ireland, the UK and the USA.


VAT identification number: DE311676656
Supervisory authority Regional Court of Wiesbaden
Languages French (mother tongue), German (1st working language), English (2nd working language);
Types of interpreting / translation
  • Simultaneous interpreting
  • Consecutive interpreting
  • Liaison interpreting
  • Whispering / chuchotage
  • Translating
Specialist subjects Marketing and PR, commerce, international relations/co-operation, environmental protection, European works councils and supervisory board meetings, education incl. further education, social issues, economy and finance, tourism, politics, EU, culture and film industry, health, food, automotive industry, police and crime control